LCG is committed to promoting accountability and consultation in the development of policies and laws. This year, we have been supporting the Forest Department with the consultation process for the Draft Forest Rules. So far, 16 government-led public consultations and 6 CSO-led public consultations on the draft Forest Rules have been completed. Now, work has begun on planning the process to consolidate all of the feedback.
On July 22-23 and Aug 19, members of the Forest Rules consultation technical team, from the Forest Department as well as supporting NGOs, conducted a two-day review and planning meeting at the Forest Research Institute, Yezin University and Yangon. During the meeting all suggestions and comments were reviewed and categorized and a plan for the upcoming Expert Roundtables (ERTs) was developed. Proposed revisions to the draft Rules will be agreed upon during the ERTs which will likely be conducted in September. LCG provided technical, logistical, and facilitation support to this review and planning meeting.
We appreciate the Forest Department’s leadership on the Rules consultation and contributions of the NGOs and CSOs who have provided financial and technical support.